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This course is designed for non BHPA pilots who are looking to become part of the association.


Why Join?

-Annual BHPA flying membership costs £149 and includes a subscription to Skywings, the BHPA's monthly magazine and £5 million 3rd-party insurance cover.


-Gives you an internationally recognised rating which allows you to fly in other parts of the world where licenses are required for example Oludeniz Turkey.


What does the course involve?

-Assessment of your practical ability to determine whether you are at CP (Club Pilot) Or Pilot Rating level. 

-Theory lectures including Airlaw, Theory of flight, Meteroligy & Airmanship and examinations.


Usually takes 4 days to complete.


Any further questions please feel free to get in touch 


*BHPA Membership cost £149(Annual fee)+£25(Joining Fee) NOT Included in course fee and is required to be paid on your first day.

BHPA Alternative Entry

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